Barry, Harry, and Nancy knew they had to take us through-the-looking-glass
in four short years. With no effective
break on their power for the first two years, Congress moved so fast their
yesterday became our tomorrow. That
tomorrow is now today. The ruling party rammed
their agenda through without one opposition vote. Every revolution needs an emergency to
justify radical surgery and the economy is the emergency available.
Consequently, these descendants of FDR and LBJ shoved a raw deal down the
throat of a great society.
Almost everyone is in agreement that the first stimulus failed. According to MSNBC,
“In January, Obama’s economic team predicted unemployment would rise no higher
than 8 percent with the help of $787 billion in new government spending.” However, according to the LA
Times the unemployment rate in May reached a 25-year high of
9.4 percent. The President may see
glimmers of hope but Say-it Ain’t-So Joe said he couldn’t
rule out a second stimulus telling us the administration which ran
on the slogan,
“The worst economy since the Great Depression” misread
how bad the economy was.
How bad is it? What’s worse than
the Great Depression? What’s their
answer to this baddest of bad economies?
What’s their Plan B? Try Plan A
again, and again, and again? I think
what our leaders need as they drive the largest economy the world has ever
known over the cliff is Economics 102, Macroeconomics or how an economy works.
Most people, including the best-government-money-can-buy,
look at the economy as if it were controlled by magic having no idea where the
rabbit goes or where the doves come from, and since I doubt I’ll convince any
of our all-knowing leaders to enroll in freshman macroeconomics I want to offer
a crash course in Economic Reality.
1. Government
regulations distort markets and inflate bubbles.
2. Every
generation experiences at least one bubble and at least one bust.
3. Every
bubble bursts.
4. Every
burst bubble is followed by a panic.
5. Panics
inspire economic regulations.
6. Economic
regulations reflect political ideologies not economic realities.
7. Economic
regulations always regulate the excesses of the last bubble.
8. Economic regulations are always blind to the
excesses of the next bubble.
9. Since
consumption is the purpose for production any economic regulation that ignores
this fact always leads to the misapplication of resources and the misdirection
of effort.
10. Depressions
are recessions with government help.
11. It
is impossible to spend yourself into prosperity.
12. It
is impossible to tax yourself into prosperity.
13. Higher
taxes lead to smaller revenue and black-markets.
The New Economy leads straight to the Second
World , from freedom to conformity from capitalism to
Obamanomics. Instead of a fair race with
the rapidly transforming economies of Asia, America runs hobbled like a child
in a three - legged race strapped to the stiff-legged ideas of collectivism.
Why would our leaders want us economically hobbled? What would they gain if we fall into the
swamp of poverty engulfing most of the world?
Wouldn’t they be right there with us?
Go to any Second or Third World country and you’ll see the rich and
powerful behind walls in gated-communities where they live in the First World while everyone else sits in the dust eating
leaves. In America , we avoided this fate with
the growth of a massive middleclass.
Under assault with stagnant wages, rising prices, and disappearing jobs
the middleclass is being outsourced. How
is this being accomplished?
Remember the mantra of the Clintons ?
the economy stupid!” That’s still the
Liberal’s strategy, riding like a flea on a rat cradle-to-grave social
engineering in the guise of economic policy. The Progressives drive the economy into the
ditch all the while saying it is someone else’s fault and shrieking that we
need more of what is causing the problem: bloated government and runaway
spending. A lack of basic economic
understanding is destroying the greatest economy ever forged. A zero sum game causes divisions and
arguments about who gets what when we used to all strive for the same thing:
Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and
Religion. He is the Historian of the
Future @ ©
2013 Robert R. Owens Follow Dr.
Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens /
Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens