Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas and a Happy New America

  In December of 1914 in the first bitter winter of a long bitter war the solders of the German Empire and the soldiers of the British Empire defied the orders of their officers.  They abandoned their hastily dug entrenchments that would soon grow into an elaborate maze of trenches stretching from Switzerland to the English Channel to meet each other in no man’s land. They sang hymns and exchanged gifts in a spontaneous outpouring of the feelings of peace, fellowship, and forgiveness which were then the staples of a Christ centered Christmas season.
If you drench yourself in the torrent of Christmas movies that bombard us from Thanksgiving till December 25th you see that the spirit of Christmas in emotional America isn’t about the Christ child who came into a lost world to die as a payment for sin and to rise again to bring new life in harmony with God.  It is instead about the sentimental ideal of love and the boy gets the girl or is it the girl gets the boy?  Who knows sometimes they throw in a curve that really builds the suspense.  There are movies about Santa Clause, his sons, his daughters; his elves and wingless angels all of whom help people learn the true meaning of Christmas which is never about Christ and always about family and friends and being nice people.
In commercial America Christmas is about Black Friday and discounts so deep they remind me of the street vendor in Mexico who follows you shouting “I’ll give you 110% off if you buy two!”  The Chia Pets come out along with snuggies, pet rocks, and every other doodad imaginable to buy for people who already have too much.
The mountains of presents which obscenely bury Christmas trees in so many American homes are ripped apart by sugar-high children. Children who get into a frenzy of getting so intense they never have time to appreciate what they get. All they want is to get something else.  The beautiful wrapping paper, the miles of ribbon, and the forests of bows are stuffed unceremoniously into big green garbage bags on their way to landfills. 
So this is Christmas, and what have we done?  Another year over, and a new one just begun.
In the still sweet morning of December 26 people start preparing for the next blast of holiday cheer, Happy New Year!!!
What will 2013 bring?
Whether we plunge over the so-called fiscal cliff or not it will bring us a New America.  An America cast in the image of our newly re-elected Community-Organizer-in-Chief.  This representative of the Saul Alinsky wing of the Progressive movement, this made man from the Chicago political Outfit has won a second term.  Whether it was through the voter fraud no one seems willing to mention or through the actual votes of those who bought into the Uncle Sugar myth and vote for Santa Clause, the man from Hawaii who says he’s from Chicago and who won’t tell us much of anything else, is poised to create the Age of Obama, or America in his own image.
In the New America more people qualify for disability than get jobs, more people get food stamps than start businesses, and more people forget that America was founded to provide individual liberty, personal freedom and economic opportunity and embrace America as a cradle-to-grave welfare state.  People forget that when you limit failure you also limit success.  They don’t understand that when you create a safety net so complete it becomes a hammock many people figure why work when you can play.
Incentive is stifled by entitlements, and innovation is strangled by regulation. 
In our New America:
·         Taxes will go up and up as spending goes up even faster. 
·         Regulations will pour out of the bureaucracy to fill in all the blanks in thousand page laws no one ever reads. 
·         Our President will continue to bow before despots and our foreign policy will continue to support radical Islam in the Mideast. 
·         No one will ever be held accountable for Fast and Furious, Benghazi, or any of the other scandals which will erupt from the pustule of corruption that is Inside the Beltway.
·         The burgeoning energy industry that has the potential to lift America out of its economic tailspin will be throttled as the coal industry, the fracking boom, and oil shale are all regulated to death.  
·         We will pour billions down the green energy rat hole building industries that cannot produce enough energy to exist without government support.
·         Obamacare will destroy the insurance industry and eventually a single payer system will consign the rest of us to standing in lines in converted gymnasiums for impersonal care while our leaders take limousines and private jets to the Mayo Clinic all on our dime.
·         Industry will continue to flow out as foreign made goods flow in as more imbalanced trade agreements are called free.
·         We will be monitored by drones, wire taps, and computers as Big Brother extends his grasp till freedom becomes just another name for nothing left to lose.
This may be the New America that awaits us in 2013.  Our families, friends, and neighbors have voted for it, and we all get to live in it: oh happy days are here again.  The second coming of FDR has put food stamps in every pot and a Volt in every garage. 
In our New America Christ has been purged from Christmas and sappy sentimentality has replaced the joy of being born again in a relationship with God our loving Father.  So as you prepare to celebrate the New Year be sure and thank any of the millions of Obamazombies who get their opinions from the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media, and who actually believe the economy is recovering and glory in America being knocked off its high horse for the New America we are all unwrapping under the Xmas Tree this year.
Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2012 Robert R. Owens  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven

Everybody wants an “A” but nobody wants to study.  Everybody wants to be rich but nobody wants to save.  Everybody wants to lose weight but nobody wants to exercise.  Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die.  No matter how you say it, the desire for something without the willingness to do the hard things required to achieve it, will always lead to disappointment.  This is the cadence of the conundrum, the drumbeat of the do-nothing dreamer, the national anthem of the nihilist; the perennial I want but I will not work formula for failure. 

The signature phrase for the conservatives of this generation of Americans should be, “We all want a sound economy but we aren’t willing to endure the life-style changes it would take to get there.”

Case in point: the coming Fiscal Cliff, the looming disaster of sequestration that every talking head on every network blathers about endlessly, “It will happen” “It won’t happen.”  Pick a side and it will be argued back and forth hour after hour, “The President won’t let it happen, “The President wants it to happen.” Over and over we are barraged by the same few people who constitute the pundocracy of America debate what will happen.  There is only one thing they are all agreed upon.  If we go over this cliff, created by a vote of Congress and a signature by the President it will be terrible for our country.  Why stop there? It will be terrible for the entire world.

Just think, if we Americans raise our taxes and reign in our drunken sailor spending binge it will be a disaster for us and for everyone who draws breath on this planet. Not to worry we, the poor unwashed in fly-over country, don’t have to scratch our pumpkin heads and wonder why it would be a disaster if our country took the steps necessary to save our economy the network appointed chatter chiefs are quick to tell us. 

One side says raising taxes on anyone in a weak economy may push us over into a recession.  This of course comes from the people who evidently don’t buy their own bread, pump their own gas, or know any of the millions who are now permanently out of work, in other words personally prosperous people who believe the Great Recession actually ended.  The other side says raising taxes on anyone they don’t consider rich would be a disaster. 

Both sides agree that at least half of the spending cuts would be a disaster.  One side points at defense spending as a surrender of national security.  While the other side points at cuts in entitlements as throwing grandma off the cliff. 

The answers they propose are as predictable as a Hallmark Christmas movie.  The Progressive Democrats say raise the taxes on the evil rich and cut spending to the defense department.  The Progressive Republicans say raise revenues by closing loop holes and cut spending on entitlements.  The problem with this is that just like Representative Paul Ryan’s draconian budget it still never gets us to a balanced budget let alone paying down the principle on the National Debt.  Both sides favor plans that keep on borrowing even if it might be at lower levels than at present.  Maybe we will only borrow thirty six cents of every dollar instead of forty six.  Wow!  That should really make our arrival at the ash heap of History a few moments later.

And that is the heart of the problem.  Or as another old saying tells us nobody wants their own ox gored.  It is the “Not in my backyard syndrome” applied by everyone to something.  We all want cuts in spending but not in our spending.  We all agree that wasteful programs should die but every program has its supporters.  This is where reality takes a bite out of dreams.  Unless we balance our budget and reverse the slide into bankruptcy our days as a great power, let alone our days as the world’s only super power, are numbered, and everyone knows China is counting off the numbers.

Looking around in the cloistered world of self-appointed opinion writers I hate to have to be the one to tell my fellow Americans this but we have to do the work to get the “A,” save the money to get rich, do the exercises to lose the weight, and we most assuredly will have to die to go to heaven.

We, through our elected representatives, have spent like there was no tomorrow until tomorrow is mortgaged to pay for today without asking the question, “How are we going to pay for tomorrow?”  I guess we have always figured we could use the day after tomorrow for collateral.  That may work for a while or at least until our children and grandchildren have been sold into slavery to the highest bidder.

Unfortunately my generation, the Boomers who proudly offered Bill Clinton and George Bush the Younger as our contribution to the pantheon of American Presidents, has kicked the can down the road while paraphrasing Louis XV on the eve of the French Revolution, “After me the flood.”  Or as many fellow boomers have phrased it to me, “It won’t crash in my lifetime.”

Now the handwriting is on the wall, the torches and pitchforks are seen on the horizon, and it is becoming obvious though the end may not come on December 21, 2012 it isn’t too far off.  Anyone who isn’t comatose in the cultural soma of social media and the game can see you can’t continue to spend more than you bring in forever.  The interest on the National Debt is going to eat us alive. Our creditors won’t keep lending us more and more once they realize our only answer is to print our way out of debt.  Ask any scam artist trying to live by charging their Visa to the MasterCard when the shop keepers start cutting up the cards the happy days aren’t here anymore.

What we need to do is go over the fiscal cliff, and instead of using the ensuing economic contraction as an opportunity to re-launch the United States in a fundamentally new direction tighten our belts.  We have got to go through a period of austerity to return to reality. 

Endlessly printing money always leads to money that isn’t worth anything.  Even if our current leaders think they have figured out a soft landing for this lead balloon they haven’t, and when that bubble pops the economy stops. 

Our fiscal conservatives who want to return to a gold standard should tell everyone that doing that will cause a contraction in the value of money that will resemble a train going 100 miles an hour hitting a brick wall.  There just isn’t enough gold in the world to value every American dollar at one dollar.  A return to gold would give us an economy based on real money, and that would be a good thing.  However the proponents of this course need to be honest about the transition from funny money to real money: there will be a great deal of pain on the way back to reality.

There are plans to do something from the right. There is the plan to cut off Social Security at 55. Everyone younger having paid into the world’s greatest Ponzi scheme all their lives get another deal.  Even if it is a better deal they will still feel like they are getting ripped off because they are.  There is also the plan to cut all the wasteful spending out of Medicare but leave it all over at the Pentagon.   These plans won’t fly because they only have one wing.

The left has a plan too.  Raise taxes on the rich, and keep on spending.  This may eventually pass due to the President’s perceived strength and the Republican leadership’s Progressive inclinations and acceptance of defeat but it will only continue our progress towards national suicide.

The fact is we can either choose to cut the spending, raise revenues, and save the future or we can continue to stagger like drunken sailors spending our children’s as yet unearned money until our creditors pull in the leash.  I know calling for higher tax revenues is heresy to most conservatives, and I am not in favor of the government taking one more cent than necessary for Constitutional purposes.  Saving the country from ruin is the ultimate Constitutional purpose. 

Like any household that is buried in debt we need more money and less spending; the trick is getting both.  The slight-of-hand artists in Washington are great at striking Grand Bargains for taxes now and spending cuts that never materialize.  That never has worked and it certainly won’t work now.  We could do it without tax increases.  Without taxes the spending cuts would have to be much deeper and more painful, and we can’t get anyone to sign on for the pain of cuts with taxes.

Here’s the secret of raising revenues with taxes.  We can’t raise rates which merely increases tax avoidance.  A flat tax would bring in increased revenues by growing the economy and would indeed be fair.  In contrast raising rates in a progressive tax system is merely punitive and is a populist trick to buy the votes of those who earn less.

If we don’t endure the pain now, if we don’t endure the necessary radical fiscal surgery despite years on life support, decades of refusing to take our medicine will finally cause our economy, and with it our dreams of a brighter future, to die.  However, we won’t get to go to heaven.  Instead we will go into debtor’s prison as our beloved nation sinks beneath mountains of debt into the second or third rank.  We will watch as a tomorrow which could have been ours becomes someone else’s.

When our children and grandchildren ask us, “Where’s my inheritance?” we will have to say, “We spent it yesterday.”  When they ask, “Where’s our future?” we will have to say, “We spent that too.”

Instead of being pushed over the cliff, let’s dive over and then resist any attempt to restore the spending.  Let’s take the pain so our children can gain.

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2012 Robert R. Owens  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens



Thursday, December 6, 2012

Happy Days Are Here Again

Things are not as bad as they could be; however, they certainly aren’t as good as they should be.

Recession?  What Recession?  According to the government and their media arm in the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media the Great Recession ended in June of 2009.  Ask anyone in line at a Wal-Mart or any other store and you will probably get a different answer.

As one of my relatives, representative of most people who get their opinions from David Letterman and the social osmosis of personal prosperity, everything is turning around, everything is doing great, everything’s coming up roses, and happy days are here again! 

Or as Mr. Obama phrases it, “I think America is poised to take off.”  He also filled in the blanks about what he will need to make that happen, “So what I'm going to need, what the country needs, what the business community needs, in order to get to where we need to be, is an acknowledgment that folks like me can afford to pay a little bit higher rate.”  That’s right, more taxes today combined with a promise of cuts in the future.  How could that ever go wrong, like it did in 1986 or 1991. 

Come on Charlie Brown you can kick the football this year. 

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner declared that the Obama administration is ready to take us over the fiscal cliff they themselves devised if Republicans aren’t willing to raise rates, close loop holes, generate revenue, or whatever else they want to call income redistribution.  Some like my relative who quotes ABCNBCCBS as a personal opinion say confidently this will be worked out. The President won’t allow it.  He even said during the debates it wouldn’t happen.  Yet, his chief financial officer is threatening it.  But not to worry, besides giving speeches and applying political pressure our glorious leader is seeking the best advice he can get from experts far and wide.

Always looking to the best and brightest President Obama is consulting with those completely objective news anchors at MSNBC or as it is also known, the Propaganda Ministry, about tax rates.  At least he’s seeking outside advice from a wide array of average American citizens like Al Sharpton and Rachel Maddow.  We can be sure that they will bravely speak truth to power as in Tax the rich!  Make them pay their fair share!!  Power to the people!!! And From each according to their ability to each according to their need!!!!

As America morphs around us into something we cannot recognize it isn’t just the prospect of a shabby economic future from here to eternity as Mr. Obama continues to organize our beloved nation into his vision of a Progressive America.  On the personal liberty front we are being regimented into the only type of society that is compatible with totalitarianism: a nation of sheep.

According to an NSA whistleblower who resigned because he did not want to be party to extra-constitutional activity reports that nearly every American citizen is under virtual observation by their government.  This whistleblower is no anonymous deep throat hiding in a parking garage.  He is William Binney, known as one of the best mathematicians and code breakers in the history of the National Security Agency, and this year’s recipient of the Callaway award: an annual prize that recognizes those who champion constitutional rights and American values at great risk to their personal or professional lives.

When asked by a reporter if the Petraeus/Allen scandal proves the notion that there is no privacy in a surveillance state Mr. Binney answered, “Yes, that’s what I’ve been basically saying for quite some time, is that the FBI has access to the data collected, which is basically the emails of virtually everybody in the country. And the FBI has access to it. All the congressional members are on the surveillance too, no one is excluded.”

Then there are Mr. Obama’s fellow travelers such as the Union bosses, the big city political bosses, and the many democrat support groups some of which aren’t even straw men for George Soros.

One democrat support group also known as the Communist Party USA has been publishing articles celebrating the victory of their preferred candidate.  Now they are organizing teleconferences and promoting rallies in support of Obama’s plans to raise taxes and demanding full funding for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid according to the party, “Save the nation! Tax corporations! Tax the rich!”  Sound familiar?

There is also the continuing assault on our rights, especially our second amendment rights.  Never mind that restrictions on gun ownership obviously only impact lawful gun owners, and never mind that restricting law abiding citizens from owning guns merely disarms the victims every time a wacko anywhere shoots a gun it is time to vilify all gun owners.

As reported on Fox, CNN contributor Roland Martin’s podcast posted to his website Monday, Jason Whitlock, the columnist who inspired Bob Costas’ commentary on gun control during halftime of Sunday’s Dallas Cowboys-Philadelphia Eagles game on NBC said that the NRA is the new KKK.  One of the biggest differences might be that while the NRA is primarily made up of Republicans and Independents the KKK was founded and in its glory days, the days of Jim Crow, Bull Connor, and segregation populated by Democrats.  

Yes, Mr. Obama won the election as Chicago politicians always win elections however we the people have not thrown in the towel.  We have not advocated our responsibility to preserve freedom and pass on this heritage of liberty to our posterity. 

No matter how many times our power-drunk professional politicians and their media megaphone tell us that happy days are here again patriots won’t be happy until constitutionally-limited government has been restored.

Our Progressive political leadership may drive us over a cliff.  They may try to herd us and pen us under their regulations and politically correct group-think.  They may harangue us with their trained media and insult us through their Hollywood culture machine, but they will never defeat the American spirit.  We the people will keep alive the light of freedom and hold high the hope of one nation under God.

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2012 Robert R. Owens  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens



Thursday, November 29, 2012

Who Does He Say That He Is?

People learn by moving from the known to the unknown.  An analogy inherently proposes the idea, that if things agree in some respect they probably agree in others.  Secular prophecy uses knowledge of the past and the present to predict the future.  The past is the womb of the present and the present is the History of the Future.  As the past may be interpreted and the present may be misunderstood the future is never certain.  Platitudes may outline the shape of something, but they can never define anything.

If Michelle is like Marie Antoinette to whom shall we compare Barack?  The thought that he’s Louis XVI is unthinkable.  George III is too easy.  All of the megalomaniacs or despots of the twentieth century would be politically incorrect in the extreme.  Some would be considered too far left and some too far right though in reality the extreme on both sides meet at the intersection of totalitarianism and brutality.  Since he rode a wave of secular messianic fever into power and since he won a second term due to the devotion of his disciples perhaps an appropriate paraphrase from the Good Book would be, “Who does he say that he is?”

First, who do others say Mr. Obama reminds them of?

His rapid supporters have finally gone the extra mile.  During his first presidential campaign they merely treated him as if he was their messiah.  After his second victory they are shouting it from the roof tops.  At the BET Soul Train Awards show Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx actually called Barack Obama "our lord and savior."  Some will say he’s a comedian and this was said tongue in cheek.  From the reaction of the crowd it was received like a proclamation from Mount Sinai.  The wild cheering brought down the house.  If this isn’t a cult of personality what is?

I heard a woman who fled Venezuela to escape Hugo Chavez and his democratic revolution crying, “Obama is doing the same things as Chavez!  He’s following the same path, going to the same place, but now we have nowhere to run.”   Someone who escaped the USSR told me, “I’ve seen all this before. Obama is like Nikita Khrushchev. He says he brings hope and change but really he’s just blaming the past because he hopes to rule the present while destroying the hope of the future.”  According to an escapee of East Germany, “Obama is like Leonid Brezhnev. He promises security, pensions and benefits but all he brings are taxes, regulations and more bureaucrats, always more bureaucrats.”  

I cannot bring myself to compare an American President to Hitler, Stalin, Mao, not even to Mussolini.  To who shall I compare this man who brings the crest of the century-long Progressive wave crashing against the American experiment?  Instead of doing the comparing myself let’s explore who he and his unpaid media arm in the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Press compare himself to.

President Obama announced his run for the presidency in Springfield, Illinois on the steps of the old state capitol building.  Choosing a setting in Springfield where Abraham Lincoln once gave a speech condemning slavery and calling for the United States to unite prompted the Progressives at ABC News to observe, “Springfield allowed Obama to immodestly and continuously compare himself to Lincoln.”

Immediately after his first victory the cover of Time magazine depicted the President-elect as FDR riding in an open car with his trademark cigarette holder clamped tightly in his smile.  So we know his promoters in the press want us to compare him to the four term president-for-life who until now has been the epitome of a Progressive president.  But does President Obama make the comparison himself?  According to Politico, “President Barack Obama compared himself to FDR.”  What does History tell us about FDR? Major portions of his New Deal were declared unconstitutional, many economists believe  his policies prolonged the Great Depression, his advisor Alger Hiss really was a communist spy, and at Yalta Roosevelt gave Poland, whose freedom World War II was fought to preserve, to Stalin who initially invaded the country as an ally of Hitler.  If we forget the facts I guess comparing yourself to FDR is a good thing. 

During his first campaign the Washington Post said that Mr. Obama, “Sells Himself as the New JFK.”  At the time other news outlets noted, fellow Progressive’s disputed the comparison using the headline, “Hillary to Obama: You're No JFK.”  Undeterred Mr. Obama continued to cast himself as the successor to Camelot.  In a  review of his first term we could agree his glorious adventure in Libya as revealed in Benghazi makes him the rightful heir to such shameful military adventures as the Bay of Pigs or his much proclaimed victory over Al Qaeda to such questionable victories as the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Turning to JFK’s most memorable phrase Mr. Obama, as any good Harvard trained lawyer would do, has parsed the meaning of “ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.”  In Progressive newspeak this becomes, “If you’re a non-tax payer let me tell you what I’m going to do for you –if you’re a tax payer let me tell you what I’m going to do to you.”

President Obama also compares himself to the icon of the anti-Progressives: Ronald Reagan.  According to Politico in an interview with a print journalist the President, “made the case that his movement is as much about a national moment as about him as a ‘singular’ individual” also noting “he drew a rather odd analogy for a Democrat: Ronald Reagan.”  President Reagan told us, “government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem.”  President Obama told us, “Only Government Can Fix the Economy.”  President Ragan told us, “We are today, the last best hope of man on earth.”  President Obama told us, “America is no longer what it could be, what it once was.”  That’s not even comparing apples to oranges it’s more like comparing truth to fiction, good to bad, or freedom to dependency.

All the people mentioned above who escaped socialism, left homes, families, and countries seeking freedom remind me of something else Ronald Reagan said, “If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth.” 

The Americans devoted to constitutionally limited government, personal liberty, and economic freedom may have lost a battle.  We may finally accept that we have become a minority in our own land.  However, we will never accept serfdom and we will never accept the permanent imposition of socialism in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Now is the time for all good citizens to come to the aid of their country.  Educate yourself regarding the History of our Republic.  Learn so that you may teach.  We must educate new generations of patriots to carry the torch so that the light of freedom is never extinguished.  A slender majority of our fellow voting citizens may have chosen the path of central-planning and collectivism.  Most through ignorance, some through avarice, and a few through pure evil have diverted the American experiment into an economic and political dead-end, but like all dead ends it will eventually end.  The empires of looters always collapse when the loot runs out and another day will dawn.

That same Good Book tells us, “the evil man has no future; the lamp of the wicked will be put out.”  And it also promises, “I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  So the Progressives may have followed their play book to a worldly victory.  I don’t know about you, but I’m going to follow that Good Book to an eternal one.

Keep the faith.  Keep the Peace.  We shall overcome.

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2012 Robert R. Owens  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens



Thursday, November 22, 2012

It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn

Honesty is always the best policy because when you’re fooling yourself you’re not fooling anyone else.  The recent election should have been a wake-up call for everyone committed to the traditional principles of our great Republic: constitutionally limited government, personal liberty, and economic freedom.  The weeping has lasted for a night, and now it is time to be honest with ourselves to face the cold clear light of day and to prayerfully find our way in this brave new world.

Obviously the dismal election results have captured the attention of everyone who hoped to avoid the triumph of the Progressives and their utopian statist agenda.  Every conservative pundit whether neo or old school either on the only non-progressive news channel or online is evaluating the election results and offering their prescription to heal the weaknesses of the Grand Old Party.  Some say embrace amnesty with limits, some say moderate the abortion plank, others say come out for legalization of drugs.  In other words continue the slide of the one-time bastion of traditional values into a mushy, touchy-feely Democrat-Lite. 

This commentator is taking a different route.  I believe it is time to abandon the Republican Party as the empty shell it has become. Personally after a lifetime as a card-carrying, active, and contributing member of the GOP, I quit the Party back in the 1990s after the Congressional majority I had worked so hard to help achieve slid into tandem with Bill Clinton giving us a bigger government and sham surpluses. 

I endorsed Mitt Romney in the recent election for the one reason I repeated over and over, he might have driven us to the poor house a little slower giving patriots some more time to rally round the flag.  That didn’t happen, and instead we are on the Obama Express to Fascism disguised as an American version of Euro-Socialism.  This may sound harsh to anyone who is unfamiliar with the actual definition of Fascism: socialism with a capitalist veneer.  It is typified by private ownership and government control, crony capitalism and the exploitation of the productive for the benefit of protected and promoted classes loyal to the regime.

Patriots may brand this as un-American and say that the American people will never accept the regimentation and control needed to implement such a system; however, the truth is the majority of the voting public just voluntarily chose it instead of a blatant appeal to free markets and love of country.  It is time to accept the new normal; generations of progressives have educated generations of Americans not only to believe they are entitled to cradle-to-grave government support but also to demand it as their right.  Combine these home grown supporters of free stuff over freedom with the import-a-voter immigration policies since the Kennedy Immigration Bill of 1965 and the Democrat entitlement machine has finally achieved the permanent majority they have been making down payments on since FDR.

Either through neglect or a stubborn belief that it can’t happen here we have stood by while the Progressives successfully changed our nation from one founded upon a rock-solid constitution to one built upon the sand of a living constitution which is a dead letter.

How do we put the tooth paste back in the tube?  How do we change America back to what it was?  The only way to do it is one mind at a time.  We must concentrate on raising our children with a clear understanding of limited government and personal freedom.    We must work to gain influence in our local school boards and communities so that we can ensure that the knowledge of American History and our heritage of freedom isn’t lost or corrupted.  And I believe we must abandon the GOP as the shadow of its former self that it has become.

Personally, I identify most closely with the Constitution Party.  This party states its mission clearly:

The mission of the Constitution Party is to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity through the election, at all levels of government, of Constitution Party candidates who will uphold the principles of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights. It is our goal to limit the federal government to its delegated, enumerated, Constitutional functions.

There are other parties that we as freedom loving Americans can join and I encourage everyone to explore their options.  One option I reject is re-arranging the deck chairs on the good ship GOP-Titanic as it pulls further into the Progressive harbor.

That is the political side of a conservative way forward.  And while the political side is filled with work and hope for a better tomorrow the spiritual side is filled with joy, opportunity, and eternal reward.

The victory of the secular humanists and the triumph of the political expression of their man-centered philosophy: Progressivism, will empower their war against faith in general and Christianity is particular.  This will increase the soft oppression which works to remove every vestige of Christ from the public square.  It may also usher in the type of persecution that generally accompanies the fall of a Christian nation to the secular religions of the Left, Socialism, Communism, and Fascism.

All of which will open the greatest door for the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the memory of any living American.  Evil may come in like a flood, but the Lord will raise a standard against it.  We don’t need to worry about evil doers for they may flourish for an hour but they will also fade like a flower.  Proclaim Christ as the One who not only lived to show us the way but who is Himself the Way, who died to pay the price for our sin and who rose to give us life.  If we will confess Christ before men He will confess us before His Father who is in heaven.

This night may be dark, the way may be perilous, but joy comes in the morning.  If we remain true to Him no one can snatch us out of His hand.  Stand up for the freedom Christ has won for us!  Refuse to be silent in the face of tyranny!  Share the History of our great Republic and shout from the rooftops, Jesus is Lord!

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2012 Robert R. Owens  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens







Saturday, November 17, 2012

Calling a Spade a Spade

The recent re-election of our Glorious Leader Barack Husain Obama has sent shock waves through the patriotic and conservative communities.  Everyone from Libertarians to fervently Pro-Life activists from Log cabin Conservatives to those advocating traditional values have accepted the narrative force-fed to a waiting public by the media.  Day after day on the one network all conservatives watch we have swallowed the intellectual gruel ladled out by the select group of anointed talking heads whose opinions Fox must believe are the only ones we ever want to hear.  From the Liberal Juan to the Neo-Con Charles from the Libertarian John to the funny Dennis we have been told that demographics defeated us. 

Yes there has been a massive demographic shift in the make-up of our country since the suicidal adoption of the Kennedy Immigration Act in 1965.  Pat Buchannan has warned us for years that this was a demographic time bomb implanted by the Progressives in the very heart of America.  Yes the massive amnesty which is soon to turn tens of millions of illegal immigrants into citizens and loyal democratic voters will effectively spell the end of any possibility for a supporter of limited government, personal liberty, and economic freedom to win the White House. 

Our newly re-elected rule-by-decree president will use executive orders to incorporate a new voting majority if he can’t get the perpetually re-elected leaders of the Republicans to join him in driving this final nail into the coffin of the Constitution.  Mr. Buchannan warned us, crying out like a prophet in the wilderness, it is impossible to incorporate millions of people from the third world who have never known anything except authoritarian rule and expect them to become born-again supporters of Enlightenment political theory.  All they have ever known was oppressive central-planning and all powerful leaders wielding vast bureaucracies, in other words ideal Democrat voters.

This is all true.  This last gear is about to be installed in the Democrat re-election machine but this is not what happened in the pivotal election of 2012   However, there is another story that no one on Fox is telling us.  Instead they parrot the conventional wisdom of the Democrat controlled media.  We hear the same thing whether we tune to Fox or MSNBC: unless the Republican party embraces amnesty and softens its stance on certain social issues they will never have a chance to win the white House again.  The diagnosis may be correct but the prescription will kill the façade that the Republican Party supports constitutionally limited government.

The real story behind the defeat of the media chosen Romney isn’t that this Northeast big government father of Romneycare couldn’t beat the worst president in American History riding the worst economy since FDR.  It isn’t even the fact that millions of self-identified Republicans stayed home or that millions of liberty loving constitutionalists followed their conscious and voted third party.  Even with these handicaps I believe Mr. Romney would have defeated Mr. Obama except for the one factor no one seems willing to voice: massive and systemic voter fraud. 

The Democrats in general and their professional civil rights hucksters in particular have spent endless hours howling about voter suppression finally pointing to the long lines of millions of new voters as proof that their vote had been suppressed.  That’s like saying, “Nobody goes there anymore because it's too crowded.”

In this column over the last four years I have pointed out the Progressive ways of Chicago-on-the-Potomac.  I have pointed out that Mr. Obama was the representative of the Chicago Outfit and that everything he was doing had already been field tested for generations in the City that Works for the Outfit.  I have also pointed out that the Chicago political machine doesn’t lose elections.  With the Obama campaign headquartered in the Windy City and run by professional Chicago operatives, to this writer it was a forgone conclusion: they would steal the vote.

The massive political machines the democrats have constructed in major cities act as vote faucets that swing their states predictably into the blue column.  The irregularities with voting machines, the hundreds of precincts that went 99 to 100 % for Obama, and the legions of voters who couldn’t even speak let alone read English all point to the arrival of third world elections to the greatest democracy ever known.

At a recent gathering I heard two progressives irately attacking the audacity of the Republicans for seeking voter ID laws.  They saw this as an attempt to stop poor and elderly voters, who all have IDs, from voting.  They also bemoaned the fact that the voter ID supporters claimed they wanted to stop voter fraud.  To this claim they wailed, “What voter fraud?  Where is it?  There is no voter fraud!”

Knowing that my earlier statements will elicit the same wail let me respond with some facts gleaned from the post-election observations as chronicled in the Worldnet Daily:

Chicago elections worker Steve Pickrum, an equipment manager for the elections system, told Worldnet Daily (WND) he was called when a voting machine malfunctioned. “On early voting when I did work on the floor when voters needed help using the equipment, I was able to see the preference of the voter, and every time that I saw [a] voter voted for Romney a ‘voter save failure’ message came up on the screen,’” he reported. Then when he went on election day to vote himself, he picked Romney and experienced the same error message. He reported he never experienced the error message when the voter was choosing Barack Obama.

Another poll worker assigned at the University of Michigan reported to WND a list of irregularities including that the precinct captain told her at one point, “You go sit down, you are bothering me,” when she was trying to observe the proceedings. “I was only standing there and looking at voter documents,” she told WND. “It was clear that what bothered him was my very presence.” She said a short time later a young man arrived and identified himself as a Democrat poll challenger. “The first time he said anything was to object to my challenge of a voter. He tried to anger the voter by telling her ‘She does not believe you are who you say you are.’ He was trying to create a scene. It then happened again and I told him ‘You are not here to challenge me!’ His reply was a very loud ‘Yes I am! You are a Republican and you are here to prevent people from voting. You are holding up the line and creating obstructions,’” she reported. She told WND in fact no one waited more than about fifteen minutes to vote the entire day, and there were no obstructions.

And in Florida, the Sun Sentinel reported that election workers a week after the election said they found 963 unaccounted-for ballots – in a warehouse. “How can you lose them? This is terrible,” candidate Chickie Brandimarte told officials. Election supervisor Brenda Snipes, however, said it’s routine for various vote totals to be adjusted up until the Nov. 18 final certification.

Also in Florida, residents began demanding changes in the electoral system that handed voters chaos, frustration, and delays at polling stations. The Florida League of Women Voters and other groups are demanding from Gov. Rick Scott a plan to draft reforms for the state’s elections.

A poll watcher told WND up to 10 percent of the ballots cast at a polling station in Pennsylvania reverted to a default, which gave Barack Obama a vote no matter who the voter had selected. The incident took place in the state where officials claimed Obama got a total of 19,605 votes in 59 voting divisions to zero for Mitt Romney and not far from the 100 precincts in Ohio where Obama got 99 percent of the vote, a feat not even achieved by third-world dictators. It was in Upper Macungie Township, near Allentown, Pa., where an auditor, Robert Ashcroft, was dispatched by Republicans to monitor the vote on Election Day. He said the software he observed would “change the selection back to default – to Obama.”

Fox News reported that voters in Nevada, North Carolina, Texas, and Ohio also said they had pushed a button on a touch-screen voting machine for Romney, but the machines recorded their vote for Obama.

At the White House website, a report in the Examiner explains, there was a petition posted seeking a recount of the race. “In one county alone in Ohio, which was a battleground state, President Obama received 106,258 votes … but there were only 98,213 eligible voters. It’s not humanly possible to get 108 percent of the vote,” the petition claims.

Fox News reported that two election judges were replaced after illegally allowing unregistered voters to cast ballots.

The Columbus Dispatch estimated that more than twenty percent of registered Ohio voters aren’t eligible. “In two counties, the number of registered voters actually exceeds the voting-age population,” the report said. And, it said, in 31 other counties, registrations are above 90 percent of the population, “a rate regarded as unrealistic by most voting experts.”

Fox News also documented how Senate candidate Wendy Long, an attorney who was a clerk for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, recounted her voting experience. “A poll worker who was at the scanner studied my private ballot and proceeded to tell me that it was rejected because I did not ‘fill in every space.’ She then proceeded to indicate that I should mark the Democratic line all the way down.”

The Market Daily News reported on those 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, that on election day gave Romney zero votes, and Obama got 99 percent. “In more than 50 different precincts, Romney received two votes or less,” the report said. “One would think that such improbable results would get the attention of somebody out there.”

According to, 59 voting divisions in Philadelphia produced a “head-spinning figure,” not one vote for Romney. “The unanimous support for Obama in these Philadelphia neighborhoods – clustered in almost exclusively black sections of West and North Philadelphia – fertilizes fears of fraud, despite little hard evidence,” the newspaper said.

The Washington Times reported that officials in Florida banned observers from seeing the absentee ballots being opened and “there was no way to know whether the absentee ballots that were produced were the same ones that were opened, or if all the ballots were produced.”

Human Events claimed Ohio voters who are native to Somalia were being given a slate card saying, “Vote Brown all the way down” – an apparent reference to the Democratic senator.

The Washington Times reported its suspicions of voter fraud in Pennsylvania, including that “in Philadelphia, the [New] Black Panthers are currently standing outside polling booths, intimidating voters just like they did in 2008.” It said, too, that seventy Republican polling inspectors were blocked from access.

To the Progressives who fight voter ID I want say, “This voter fraud.  Here it is?  There was massive and systemic voter fraud!”  To those who refuse to call a spade a spade, hiding their heads in the sand and pretending this election was the result of a demographic shift, the power of negative advertising, or anything else besides Chicago style politics as usual I want to ask, “Why are you so quiet about something that is so obvious?”  What’s to be gained by lending our silence to endorse the legitimacy of a stolen election?  If you are afraid to be called a conspiracy theorist let me quote a man who has ended up being right many times when everyone thought he was wrong, “It’s not paranoia if they’re really out to get you.”

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2012 Robert R. Owens  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens