In the latter part of the twentieth century Progressive
leaders pushing a collectivist agenda decided to declare us a pluralistic
society. They sought to detach the
heavily Bible influenced Constitution into the dustbin of History by
substituting what they call a living constitution for the rock-solid one the
Framers bequeathed us. Mr. Obama, the
quintessential Progressive in his speech to the Muslims of Egypt, Turkey, and
many places spices up his apology
tours by asserting that America is not a Christian country. This statement of his belief and goal does
not make it true.
All of these recent changes aside, most Americans still believe
in God and the majority
consider themselves Christians. As a
Christian, an Historian, and a Political Scientist in response to numerous
questions I would like to share my beliefs concerning government, economies,
and the rights of man.
As far as a government goes the only Biblically correct one
is that God is God and we are His people.
He is the King and we are the sheep of His pasture. As concerning an economic system God’s
economy knows no lack and is exceedingly abundantly provisioned by the owner of
the cattle on a thousand hills.
This being true I do not believe that God mandates any type
of human government or economic system as pre-ordained, sanctified, or
holy. However, I do believe that
humanity as God has created it does require certain governmental and economic
conditions to develop and thrive as God intended.
God created
us in His own image. He gave us the
power to create and to choose. He gave us a mind open to learning and ever
eager to improvise. He also gave us what
I believe is the most crucial aspect of our make-up: our free will or the power
to choose. We can choose to follow Him
and do what He desires, or we can choose to follow the leadings not only of our
thoughts but of our emotions also. In
other words we can dwell within the Kingdom
of God wherein He is our
King and we are His people or we can choose to live in the Kingdom of man and
become the subjects of either our own designs or of whoever manages to gain
control of the physical world around us.
If God wanted slaves or robots He could have created slaves
or robots. Instead He created us and
gave us a mind to think and a will to choose because He wanted us to decide to
love Him and follow Him freely without compulsion. Therefore I believe that since free thought
and free choice are the foundation of man’s nature freedom is necessary if man
is to live as God designed. This being
the case I believe that any governmental or economic system that denies man’s
freedom interferes with and attempts to supplant God’s plan, which is the
definition of evil.
There are of course limits to freedom as expressed in the Ten
Commandments. Beyond this we should
be free to choose our own way. Will we
follow God or will we follow man. Within
these limits and building on the moral framework the Bible provides I believe
that a republic based upon the commitment to life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness using democratic principles is the governmental structure which most
closely matches man’s God-given nature.
I also believe that free market capitalism is the economic system which
best allows man to develop and live as God intended. Conversely, when man rejects God and seeks to
create his own utopia he builds some sort of centrally-planned command economy
and the intrusive government needed to impose it upon others.
A free economy and the free government it requires allows
the independent choices of many to produce the greatest prosperity for all as
everyone seeks to do the best they can because they reap the rewards. In a socialist or any type of hybrid economy
between capitalism and socialism bureaucrats make the decisions and stagnation
is the inevitable result. As Gary North,
a Christian economist expresses
it, “The essence of democratic socialism is this re-written version of God's
commandment: ‘Thou shalt not steal, except by majority vote.’” Or as Winston Churchill
observed, “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the
creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal
sharing of misery.” And that is
not life as God intended.
If we look at History it is an outworking of the initial
fall of man. In the beginning God
created the world including man and it was all good. Then at the dawn of our existence we choose
to go our own way instead of following God.
We chose to follow the siren
song of “You shall be like God” and ever since we have attempted to create
heaven on earth. All we have succeeded
in doing is to open the gates of Hell instead.
A case in point would be the age-old question, if God is good why is
there evil in the world followed by the age-old answer God gave us free choice
and we chose evil.
With the help and guidance of those who seek to play god
themselves humanity has often been convinced to surrender their freedom for
security, to bargain away their God-given nature and assume the subservient
nature of slaves.
In America
the purveyors of socialism cloak their designs in the language of
populism. They loudly proclaim that they
seek a fair deal for everyone, except of course for the people they intend to
loot. They want fair elections as long
as nothing is done to stop fraudulent voting.
They want equality enforced by unequal treatment. In other words they seek to build the kingdom
of man where they can be king.
We have a mind to think and the capacity to make a free
choice. As the day of reckoning draws
near all I can recommend is, think and choose.
We can choose to follow the path of redistribution, class warfare, and
collectivist dependency or we can choose to at least attempt a return to
limited government, personal liberty, and economic freedom. Don’t be fooled by the progressive media and
their obvious bias. To be free is God’s
design. For us to be a slave to
dependency is man’s.
One of America’s most beloved troubadours told
us, “The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement
halls” and one of those secular prophets he was referring to reminded
us “You're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed You're gonna have to serve
somebody, Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord But you're gonna have
to serve somebody.”
Or as my favorite book says
it, “And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the
gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River,
or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my
house, we will serve the Lord.”
Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2012 Robert R.
Owens Follow Dr.
Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens